Become a Patron or Friend

Individuals and households can support the Petworth Festival by becoming a Patron or Friend. Your kind contribution means you can take advantage of priority booking for the summer festival and receive a 5% discount on tickets purchased during that period.

Patrons and Friends also receive Festival preview information, have the summer brochure posted to them, and receive an invitation to join us at the annual summer festival launch party in April.

Patrons give a minimum donation of £100 per household per annum and Friends a minimum of £30.
Festival Patrons & Friends Information Sheet

You do not have to become a Festival Patron or Friend to be on our mailing list. Those on the mailing list receive information on the summer programme and a short period of priority booking.*

Click here to sign up to our e-bulletins, or email with your name and address if you would like to receive our brochure through the post.

You can still make your donation by cheque or online bank transfer: Please download the Gift Aid Form if you’d like to become a supporter, or email us at for further information.

*FOR SUMMER FESTIVAL ONLY: Festival Patrons and Friends receive Priority Booking + 5% discount on tickets purchased during that period.